
What to Watch as Donald Trump Speaks

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is nearly even with Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to the most recent Reuters/Ipsos poll taking during the Republican National Convention.


From In accepting his party’s nomination for president, Donald Trump said “here, at our convention, there will be no lies”.

Trump’s remarks came at the end of a convention that was at times overshadowed by GOP disunity – especially when it came to Cruz, who delivered a closely watched speech Wednesday night that offered no support for his party’s presidential nominee.

White said a key issue for her is getting rid of President Barack Obama’s health-care law, something Trump has pledged to do.

“Senator Cruz being upset with the fact that Mr. Trump attacked his wife by saying that she was unattractive and then attacking his father by accusing him to be part of the Kennedy assassination – with no apology – that to me says a lot about a man”, he said.

“They all signed the pledge Everyone knew about the pledges”, campaign chair Paul Manafort told reporters Thursday morning, referring to a primary pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee. “I mean, I never thought I would say these words but: Ted Cruz was right”.

Cheers of “Lock her up!” rose from the crowd when he talked about Clinton, to which Trump replied, “Let’s defeat her in November”. “I think you can all understand why I didn’t show up to speak at a convention, by the way, after what you saw last night”, Mr. Kasich said.

He said he was not in the habit of supporting people who attacked his wife and his father and only said he would not be voting for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Mr Donald Trump is planning to sketch out a vision of a nation hovering on the brink of disaster as he presents himself as the only leader who can protect Americans and fix a suffering economy. Trump was introduced by his oldest daughter, Ivanka, who called her father “the people’s champion”.

Trump vowed to get tough on crime and illegal immigrants in a 75 minute address, pleasing thousands of cheering supporters.

Clinton accused Trump of offering a “dark and divisive vision” beyond what he’s said in the past.

“We don’t want them in our country”, he said. “I will tell the truth!” winning back applause from backers. “Last night, many of us were standing up, yelling and screaming and clapping our hands for the Republican Party, including Trump”.

Cruz, who has questioned Trump’s commitment to conservative principles, has also called the Republican nominee a paranoid conspiracy monger.


“Maybe I’ll set up a super PAC if he decides to run”, Trump said, then turned to his own lawyer in the audience.

Trump To Promise 'Safety Will Be Restored' As He Accepts GOP Nomination