
What We Know About the Syrian Refugees

And at least three GOP presidential hopefuls (Trump, Cruz and Bush) have said Syrian immigration should be either totally banned or at least limited to Christian refugees. In all, about 22 percent are males between the ages of 18 and 59.


Syrian refugees must also give up their biometric data, submit their detailed biographic histories and are also interviewed at length.

The recent Paris attacks have negatively affected views of certain states in the USA with regard to refugee resettlement, with some even saying they will not be welcoming Syrian refugees altogether.

If the European host countries don’t know who these fighters are it’s nearly impossible for the United States to know who they are.

He discusses the refugee screening process, calling it “the most rigorous screening of anyone who comes to the United States”, explaining the process, and noting the new layer of checks specifically for Syrian refugees instituted in the wake of terror concerns.

The proper response to fear, however, is prudence, rather than panic.

After all, we’re talking mostly about women, old people and children, who without help are likely condemned to a miserable, short life. President Barack Obama has promised to take 10,000 Syrians this year, which is a trickle compared to the flows to other nations, especially Germany. How about President Obama himself, a president elected to end wars, but who has ended up starting more wars than his predecessor?

“The Administration’s highest priority is to ensure the safety and security of the American people”. And they have questioned whether federal agencies can adequately screen applicants seeking refuge, especially given the political turmoil in Syria, which they say makes it hard to access criminal and other databases in that country.

The House voted to tighten the screening procedures for Syrian refugees entering the nation for resettlement despite the objection of US President Barrack Obama. What happened in Paris – and in Mali a week later – could happen anywhere, including the United States.

President Obama was absolutely correct when he said that “slamming the door” in the faces of these refugees would be treachery to the values that have been instilled in Americans everywhere.

Good morning everyone. This past week we’ve seen the best and the worst of humanity.

For refugees attempting to enter both the country and our state, there is already a complicated process in place that mitigates security risks. I often wonder what would have happened if my family hadn’t been able to escape to the US.

Republican opposition, which controls the House and the Senate, argues that it should temporarily suspend the Obama plan for next year, which would welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees who are fleeing the war in Syria into the United States.


Since there’s no way to figure out which refugees are people displaced by ISIS and which refugees are ISIS fighters trying to get into foreign countries, the rest of the Muslim world has turned their back on Syrians.

Why Are People So Scared of Syrian Refugees?