
What were Ted Cruz’s parents doing in Canada?

He said during a CNN interview Sunday that Trump skipped Thursday’s Republican debate because he was too afraid to field questions about how he has changed positions on key issues. I joke when they hold up ‘The Art of The Deal, ‘ that is my second favorite book of all time. “They understand me better than anybody”, he added. “And I think (Trump will) do very well in New Hampshire”.


Trump went a long way to buttressing his credibility by winning an endorsement from evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr. of Liberty University, though Falwell’s decision caused an uproar within the Liberty University alumni community.

On Monday, he promised that if he becomes president he’ll “protect Christianity”, which he says is under siege.

Supporters may have been dissuaded by the heavy fog that blanketed local roads all morning. When Wallace continued pressing him, Cruz eventually told Wallace “don’t interrupt me”. Trump spent over half a million dollars on ballot access consulting and fees, a fairly unavoidable cost for a serious national campaign. A Cruz win gives us the ability to turn that argument around on many of our erstwhile antagonists… “We’re taking this all of the way”. Donald Trump has successfully gone full birther on him, Rubio attacked him for being a hypocrite on immigration, revelations about loans for Goldman Sachs and a less than stellar debate performance have combined to hit Cruz right in the poll numbers. While speaking about the country’s health care system, the billionaire real estate had a bit of Freudian slip leading up to the big night.

The candidate went on in his solicitation for funds to say, “I could be in serious trouble”. “It’s going to be gone”.

And then Trump took another dig at Cruz. “I think it’s an a problem”, Trump said Saturday.

So up pops Trump on the eve of the Iowa caucuses to assuage the fears of the ultra-religious. We’ve got to do something. He says, “We will struggle tonight if the voter turnout is low”.

When Sen. Ted Cruz closed his prayerful plea to a crowd of about 150 people here late Tuesday night, the “abyss” he had in mind was something larger than the prospect of a Donald Trump victory in Monday’s caucuses.

Last September, Trump brought the same Bible to the Values Voters Summit, hosted by Family Research Council in Washington.

Asked about the Republican frontrunner’s past proposal to impose a massive tax on goods from China, Grassley said such a move would be a mistake, likening it to the increase in tariffs before the Great Depression. Voters need to unite behind a single candidate to avoid being burned by weak politicians, Cruz said.

“You eventually reach a common sense solution”, Grassley said. In the home stretch before the caucuses, Cruz’s campaign has most prominently boasted of having over 12,000 volunteers in Iowa, 1,573 precinct captains and 836 supporters who are expected to stay through January at volunteer residence in Des Moines known as “Camp Cruz”.


You wouldn’t know it from some media reports, but evangelicals do things other than anoint Republican candidates. “You know, it’s the First Presbyterian Church, Jamaica (Queens) and this was written by my mother, with my name, with my address, with everything”, he told those gathered.

Ted Cruz Tea Party firebrand aims to storm White House