
What You Might Not Know about the History of International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women s Day in its true spirit, SpiceJet in association with some NGOs took 20 selectively chosen women on a day-trip aboard SpiceJet s All Women Crew flight to Art of Living s Bangalore centre, SpiceJet said.


In her message, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova called the promotion of gender equality “a transformational force for more just, inclusive and sustainable development”.

In many regions around the world, women face consistent hardships from gender-based abortions to child marriage, forced prostitution, and modern day slavery.

Officials at Miami International Airport are handing out 75,000 flowers to honor the day. This group, composed of 40 professionals from 34 Milwaukee-area companies, is hungry for mentoring opportunities from seasoned TEMPO Milwaukee members – women with 10 to 15 years of executive experience – as they work their way toward the C-suite.

Today out of the total number of all-women flights, operated in the domestic sector three flights were from Delhi, eight flights in Mumbai, seven flights in Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad: and one flight from Kolkata, it said. The (for the time) radical feminist activism that characterized the movement up until the 1950s largely receded under president Gamal Abdel Nasser (1952-70). Women individually, and civil society together, have called for lasting and transformative change by 2030.

The women who spoke in the assembly Tuesday raised issues including allowing women’s entry into Hindu temples and better education for girls.

On his part, Hosni Mubarak (1981-2011), who was pressured by the rise of Islamist forces, introduced more conservative legislation and policies towards Egyptian women. Equality is not a threat, it is an opportunity”, wrote Mr. Trudeau. Decades of political, economic and social marginalization did not stop women from claiming their rights and continue their fight for equal rights with men. They [men] were seeing that women are strong, that they can look after themselves.

Women’s rights activists hold placards as they participate in a protest on International Women’s Day in New Delhi, India, Tuesday. “The airline has huge respect for women and it would be a symbol of women empowerment”.


The famous definition of feminism as “the radical notion that women are people” should be a reminder of the simple idea that feminism advances, namely that women should be entitled to the same rights as men.

March 8 is International Women's Day