
When David Cameron’s Daughter Florence Climbed Into His Official Box

The outgoing PM smiled and waved to his wife Samantha, who was sat with their children in the public gallery above, as he finished his last PMQs.


West Oxfordshire association chairman David McFarlane said: “David Cameron has been as inspiring a Prime Minister as he has been member of Parliament for the Witney constituency – a statesman who has put the country first without for one moment losing sight of his constituency duties”.

“But I mean willing all of you on”.

Laughing, Mr Cameron said he was grateful for the “fascinating suggestions”.

“I’ll never forget the day actually at Number 10 when one of the people who works very close to the front door said to me ‘I’m not that interested in politics Mr Cameron, but because of something your lot have done I’m able to marry the person I’ve loved all my life this weekend, ‘” he said.

Cameron went on to wish the new prime minister, Theresa May, well in negotiating the best possible terms for Britain’s future exit from the European Union. After all, as I once said: “‘I was the future once'”.

He said he wanted to end speculation that “somehow I don’t love Larry”.

Larry was adopted from Battersea Dogs and Cats home to help scare mice and rats away from Downing Street.

Mr Cameron then held up a photograph of himself with Larry.

“There’s the England football team, there’s Top Gear, there’s even across the big pond a role that needs filling”. “He’s been kicked so many times but he says ‘keep going it’s only a flesh wound.’ I admire that”.

He then prompted laughter across the House as he adopted an American accent to recount the time he was greeted by a member of the public in NY when he was Leader of the Opposition.

“This session does have some admirers around the world”. When we pass new laws we will listen not to the mighty, but to you.

Ulster Bank’s Richard Ramsey, who authors the monthly Purchasing Managers Index business barometer, said the former Tory leader’s reign had been characterised by both economic progress and some setbacks.


Even the usually earnest Corbyn came with his own pre- prepared gags to the box-office weekly “Prime Minister’s Questions” session.

David Cameron hums tune to himself after resigning as British Prime Minister