
When do we put the clocks back?

So why do we change the clocks?


The Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip ended daylight saving time on Friday. The sun will rise earlier and the sun will set earlier.

His great-great grandson, Chris Martin has had huge success with Coldplay’s smash hits ‘Clocks’ and ‘Daylight’.

However, on April 30, 1916 Germany introduced the system.

While the United Kingdom has always had daylight savings time since it was first introduced, it came into widespread use across the world during the 1970s because of the energy crisis.

When the time change takes place next weekend, sunset will be at 4:43 Boston; 4:45 in Chicago, and 5:00 in Los Angeles.

“Spring forward, fall back” – with fall being the American term for autumn – is a good way to remember that the clocks change. From tourist boards to sporting bodies to road safety campaigners, they argue that Single/Double Summer Time (SDST) would lead to marked improvement in life for of Britons.

When do the clocks change?

The clocks have now gone back – and brought with it an extra hour in bed on Sunday morning. They pointed to a relatively early loss of daylight hours and a resultant rise in electricity bills as well as auto accidents as people who would otherwise drive home from work in daylight were forced to drive in darkness.

This year, the clocks will go back at 2:00am on Sunday 25 October.

“I can understand there are a lot of issues around that but when it is lighter in the morning fewer people benefit”.


54% will spend the extra hour in bed, 14% will get out and embrace the day. (Utah may also consider dropping DST, based on public outcry.) Even where it is practiced, clocks are set forward and back on different dates, leading to even more regional variations.

Daylight Savings 2015: US ends on November 1, UK on October 25 both at 2am