
When Donald Wanted to Help the Clintons Buy Their House

As Donald Trump flew to promote his golf course in Scotland Thursday, Hillary Clinton proved her rival wasn’t the only one who could navigate the business world.


The former U.S. secretary of state used her campaign stop to offer her vision for bolstering the economy after using a speech on the topic on Tuesday to attack presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, predicting a “Trump recession” if he becomes president.

“It has been proven wrong again and again”, Clinton told a rally in Raleigh, N.C.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says she hopes Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton before the national convention in July. This would include not just rebuilding roads and bridges but also delivering broadband to every home by 2020 and “making American the clean energy superpower of the 21st century”.

Forty-two percent said Clinton and 35% Trump.

The author who revealed some of the Clinton’s most questionable dealings is defending Donald Trump and his blistering attacks against Hillary Clinton. The disclosures released earlier this week showed that the Trump campaign only had $1.3m (£950,000) in its accounts in June, compared to Clinton’s war chest of $42m.

Hillary Clinton wasn’t always “Crooked Hillary” to Donald Trump. “But, it also very much reflected how I thought about faith as I matured”, Clinton said in an interview with the New York Times. “They’re musclebound. We’re not”.

But Trump’s rise in popularity appeared to be only temporary, unlike his lasting surge among the Republican field previous year after the attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, California.

That means Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is promising not to use future donations to repay himself the money he lent and is essentially turning the loan into a donation from himself. Well, here’s what I want you to know: I do have a jobs program.

“It’s no surprise he doesn’t understand these things”, the former secretary of state continued.

A Senate investigation later found that Stevens had asked for more security, which went unheeded.

The month after the fatal assault, Clinton said she had been responsible for the safety of those serving in Benghazi, but did not acknowledging any specific mistakes on her part. Clinton served in the administration of President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, had refuted these allegations several times in the past.


She alleged that Trump represents the interest of the rich and wealthy.

Home Talk Tom Sullivan    
      “Clinton Cash” Author Debunks Donald Trump’s So Called Debunkers              Talk Tom Sullivan              Jun 23 2016