
When the Republican presidential candidates step on the stage Wednesday night

THE FACTS: According to both Planned Parenthood and anti-abortion activists, there is no scene matching Fiorina’s description in any of the undercover videos at the heart of the debate over the disposition of fetal tissue from abortions.


But numerous candidates took shots at Trump, whose gruff demeanor has endeared him to a voting populace that seems to want an alternative to career politicians.

Donald Trump is about making Donald Trump great”, Jindal said. “He’s not a conservative”. Follow along here for the latest buzz on the candidates and the debate!

“I don’t think it helps when Republicans attack Republicans personally”, he said. Early in the debate, Trump looked at Bush and said, “More energy tonight, I like that”. “Once you are branded you can’t get unbranded”. Lindsey Graham, former U.S. Sen.

All four candidates say they would secure the border and crack down on local officials who opt not to prosecute illegal immigrants.

Later this week, the GOP presidential candidates will stride on to the debate stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California and all proclaim undying fealty to the former president and conservative demigod, while each claiming that only he is the true keeper of the Reagan legacy.

“Administering all needed vaccines at the recommended ages, even if it means giving multiple doses during the same visit, is important because it increases the likelihood that children will be fully immunized as recommended”, the CDC says.

The first official test for the candidates is the Iowa caucuses.

The third Republican outsider, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, maintained a positive outlook throughout the night, in keeping with his image as the GOP’s most likeable candidate.

Whereas Bush’s attempt to build an Iraq war coalition divided Europe, Obama was able to count on near universal support among European partners for the military intervention in Libya, the anti-ISIL effort and the recent nuclear agreement with Iran. Trump responded by calling her handsome .

Let’s remember that Reagan took office in a time of crisis. Later I learned that she pocketed more than $20 million in severance; conversely, HP shareholders lost almost 50% of their investments and 30,000 employees lost their jobs. “And, most people, many people, apologized to me”. “The governor will be presidential, I think he’ll be strong, and there will be another debate in a month”.

Trump faced a barrage of attacks from a field of contenders clearly more prepared, and eager, to take on the brash billionaire. He cited Yuma County, Arizona, which has a “double fence with a road so that there [is] quick access by the enforcement people”. No one likes us.

“What are they going to say?” he said with a laugh.

Following his attack ads and speeches denouncing GOP favorite Donald Trump, Jindal began the debate not backing down from what he has said. “These are extraordinarily unsafe times that we live in”, said Florida Sen. Trump said he is primarily a businessman.

The former governor of Florida mentioned his book that laid out a comprehensive approach to immigration reform, one that requires securing the border but not tearing families apart.

Kept his focus on middle class voters, memorably criticizing Fiorina and Trump arguing over the business resumes, saying struggling Americans “could care less”.

“Here’s the way forward: First, we must – we must secure our border, the physical border, with – with a wall, absolutely”.

The evening of the day we visited the Nixon Library, there was an African-American wedding. We also need a mandatory e-verify system. In the 2012 presidential election, 53 percent of voters were women. “I thought that everyone here passed ninth grade civics”. Some answers for the former question were Rosa Parks, Margaret Thatcher and Mother Theresa.

Graham dismissed Trump’s front-runner standing in the polls, suggesting his popularity is a passing phenomenon.


Outlets like Politico named Wednesday’s debate his “last best chance” to save his campaign, which faltered after the first in which he was largely passive and called himself “aggressively normal”.

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