
Where to find the best Black Friday deals

For a full breakdown of who has the best deals by category, find the survey here.


Major retail stores across the country will open their doors the day after Thanksgiving with special discounts and deals, but a few retailers will have better deals than others this year. They took a look at 8,000 deals in 30 big USA retailers and their report was released on Monday, titled the Black Friday Freshness Report.

The worst two places to shop on Black Friday, according to WalletHub, are Costco and Sam’s Club. Customers can expect to save about 68 and 67% on their purchases there.

Their analysis was also based on comparing the rate of repetition of deals of the most popular retailers, but also the differences of prices between 2014 and 2015.

Jewelry was also the most heavily discounted category in 2014-though previous year, the average discount was a far lower 58 percent. Staples showed the least repeated deals, with 5.1%, while Big Lots topped the list with 16.4% of current offers.

The website Groupon advertised the highest discounts on jewelry in its Black Friday sales, averaging 84 percent.

Wallet Hub analyst Jill Gonzalez said that that jewelry is a top pick because, “It is something that stores really want to move out in terms of inventory, whereas other categories, like electronics, people buy all year”.

If you go Black Friday shopping, you know to expect long lines and big crowds, so you want to make sure you’re actually getting a good deal.


People are in need of unique deals and they search for new ones each year.

'Black Friday Sales