
Whether Ivanka or Chelsea, America’s next first daughter will hold unusual power

Chelsea Clinton with her mother, Hillary Clinton, at the 1992 Democratic National Convention in New York City where her father accepted the Democratic nomination.


“Why not convene a summit?”, Lauer asked Clinton after she confirmed she and Ivanka are friends. I steeled myself to watch Hillary’s acceptance speech, beginning with the introduction by her daughter Chelsea.

Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, leave the hospital after the birth of their son, Aidan, last month, along with her parents Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are cleverly using their daughters in an attempt to change public perceptions of them in the bitter race for the United States’ Presidency, according to U.S. politics boffins. It was she whom FDR asked to accompany him to Yalta rather than his wife.

More than two decades later, the now 36-year-old mother of two will voluntarily step into the spotlight to introduce her own mother as her family seeks a return to the White House. Three of Donald Trump’s children spoke at the Republican convention, including his introduction by Ivanka, and as everyone acknowledged, they performed magnificently.

Yet Ivanka Trump also began her remarks by noting that she was neither a Republican or a Democrat and then pivoted to policy proposals such as equal pay that her father had yet to mention on the campaign trail.

Women who worked for Clinton when she served in Congress were paid 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis of salary data from her Senate years. Margaret Truman was too busy launching her career as a singer and writer; the Johnson and Nixon daughters appeared at campaign events for their fathers, but they never took part in policy formulation.

While Ivanka’s father hasn’t put out recommendations on these issues, he does have a track record of saying hostile things about women and mothers.

Chelsea shared precious stories from her childhood, which made her mom seems so much more human.

“For Hillary Clinton people have said it is important to humanise her and maybe there is a gendered thing here but maybe trying to soften her image which is a combative, take-no-prisoners, professional politician”, Dr Robinson said.

Chelsea Clinton is offering a daughter’s view of her mom’s life work. After January, it’s hard to imagine that either daughter would turn down whatever assignment dropped on her lap.


At the end of this scorched-earth campaign, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will no doubt want to avoid each other.

Becky Bracken 16 min ago Are Chelsea Clinton & Ivanka Trump Friends? Their Relationship Seems Strained By Politics     MANDEL NGAN  AFP  Getty Images