
White House Calls Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal ‘Pro-War’ – Radio Free

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz engaged anti-war activists on Thursday in a spirited debate outside the White House over the Iran nuclear deal, offering a rare moment of spontaneity in the US presidential race.


At least 100 supporters, protesters and reporters were in attendance at the event organized by the conservative group Concerned Women for America.

Added Benjamin: “And what makes you think as Ted Cruz you know better than all these countries together?”

Cruz restored order out of what was soon becoming chaos when he invited a Code Pink spokeswoman to debate. Hezbollah, the Houthis, and radical Islamic terrorists. In fact, it passed unanimously through the security council.

Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin insisted that give Cruz diplomacy a chance, and asked Cruz why he thought he knew better than the deal’s negotiators. After all, why would they believe a warmongering fanatic like Ted Cruz when they could believe the Ayatollah Khamenei?

It was nice of Cruz not to antagonize the Europeans, though, by telling Benjamin that the reason they’re so excited about the deal is precisely because they want money to start flowing to Iran again.

Cruz said at one point after a Code Pink protester with a bullhorn interrupted his remarks. “There is no doubt about it”.

“I don’t want peace at the price of millions of Americans”, Cruz said.

CNN reported this past Sunday that the Ayatollah told a crowd of thousands of Iranians that “Our policies toward the arrogant government of the United States will not be changed at all”. There are no such things as foreign belligerents, no matter how many “death to America” chants they’re guilty of.

As reported by Western Journalism, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called the deal a “stunning, historic mistake”. Washington suspects Tehran of having worked in the past to build nuclear weapons but Iran says its program is peaceful.

According to a copy of Cruz’s amendment provided to The Hill, which first reported about the amendments, “Obama will be prohibited from lifting or reducing statutory sanctions until Iran has met the two requirements”.

He pointed to Code Pink protesters signs, which read “Peace with Iran” and said that unfortunately, the nation does not reciprocate those feelings towards America.

“I would encourage our friends from Code Pink to do what they suggested they didn’t want to do, which is learn from history”.


Holding a pro-Israel sign, Diane Conocchioli of Washington, D.C. argued, “We’ve entered into a deal while we’re silent to the number of Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East”. By that point, Code Pink had little to say. “My belief on all of this is that if you’re not taking fire, you’re not over the target”.

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