
White House ducks Democrats on taxpayer-funded abortion

Kristen Day is not making progress.


Aged House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) doesn’t believe GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s popularity has anything to do with Democrat Hillary Clinton’s long list of scandals or her life of political corruption.

Planned Parenthood once provided such services to nearly half of the 110,000 patients who qualified for state women’s health programs. Clinton is the poster child for abortion extremism.

“We want to see abortion be more rare”. She added, “We will defend all our rights – civil rights, human rights and voting rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights, LGBT rights and the rights of people with disabilities!”

“Being anti-abortion does not make you pro-life”, unless you also work to boost assistance in nutrition, housing and all policies that would give a woman confidence that “there’s going to be help” after she gives birth, said self-described pro-life Democrat John Bel Edwards, the governor of Louisiana, who ran on policies including equal pay and expanding Medicaid.

Correct, not Hillary. There never has been, isn’t, and never will be an abortion that she would prohibit.

Perhaps the low-income minorities the Democrats count so heavily on ought to join the three-G voters Pelosi says are helping Trump. “This has been the general message pro-life Democrats are receiving across the country”.

Kaine’s nuanced position on abortion rights raised some eyebrows among progressives as Clinton was considering him to be her running mate.

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the party’s pro-choice components have consolidated power.

Americans, Quigley said, should “take the shades off their own eyes for a second and truly look at what’s happening during an abortion”.

According to a 2014 Pew Research survey, millennials hold similarly hedged views. “It’s been great to promote the message that we do exist in great numbers, and that we are not being represented by the party”.

Despite the diversity of opinion, there is nonetheless a clear party line.

If the Democratic Party would again adopt a Big Tent approach and offer a voice for both sides of the abortion issue, Day believes the party could regain control of Congress.

Democrats for Life of America spoke about growing the Democratic party by electing more pro-life legislators at a luncheon downtown on Wednesday.

Abortion politics is unforgiving terrain.

Just last month, Kaine told the Weekly Standard when asked about the wording, “I have traditionally been a supporter of the Hyde amendment, but I’ll check it out”.

Andrew Barnhall, a Clinton delegate from North Carolina, said many people in his state had strong convictions about life in a variety of ways. Back then, before the financial crisis, the Democratic Party didn’t have a revolutionary wing.

Democratic critics can be similarly unkind. She said the group would be “targeting pro-life Democrats, including Hispanics”.

Other candidates have quietly supported abortion rights.

Day, a 47-year-old former Capitol Hill aide, isn’t winning this battle, but she hasn’t lost it completely.

“The majority of Americans in favor of abortion restrictions has been consistently around 8 in 10 for the better part of a decade”, Ms. Carvalho said in a statement. But it still implies a desire for fewer abortions.

In what was arguably the night’s most bald-faced reference to abortion, Representative Luis Gutierrez from IL vowed that Democratic politicians “will not stand idly by, because we believe Congress has to keep their hands off Planned Parenthood”.


Francis Wilkinson is a Bloomberg View editorial writer.

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