
White House: ‘Surprising uptick’ in US border crossings

This August, 9,790 were cuffed. In fact, the news site reports that total arrests are down 50 percent from previous year .


About double the number of Central American children entered the United States illegally in August compared to a year ago, surprising the Obama administration which had been touting a downward trend over the past year.

Isacson believes the stream of children migrants could be a sign that a similar surge is on its way. CNN News says the increase in the number of children trying to get into the country illegally is about half of what it was previous year , according to the White House.

The spokesman said the increase was unusual because the number of unaccompanied minors who cross the border usually falls in August due to extreme heat.

According to statistics published Monday, the patrol apprehended 10,000 unaccompanied immigrant children and families last month.

It’s unclear exactly what has led to the overall decrease in border arrests of families and children, but Mexico has stepped up enforcement along its southern border.

The figures are a considerable setback given the progress made since last year’s border crisis, when agents apprehended about 68,000 unaccompanied minors along the border and about the same number of family units.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the administration was “concerned”, but did not provide a reason for the increased numbers, saying that August is typically a slow month because it’s so hot.

“This is something that we take very seriously”, he said. The detention centers were established in part because about 70 percent of families released at the border and ordered to report back to immigration authorities failed to return to face deportation hearings.


The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement it was increasing bed capacity for undocumented immigrants.

Surprising jump in children illegally entering US, White House reports