
White House unveils five-year action plan on AIDS

De Marco and other advocates further cited a need for housing programs for homeless people being treated for HIV or AIDS, saying homelessness disrupts their medical care and also makes them vulnerable to being sexually exploited and spreading HIV.


“We’ve had several months without any new cases which is really pretty phenomenal”, said Walthall.

“This year is the first year that there have been no mother to newborn transmissions”, Cuomo said.

“Certainly a big part of this day is to remember, remember the people who are gone”, St. Julian said.

He said the zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero HIV deaths slogan can also be attained through leadership commitment.

Caribbean countries marked World AIDS Day 2015 by reaffirming the commitment to eradication of the epidemic by 2030.

TAIPEI-An expert in infectious diseases said yesterday that anybody who has unprotected sex could be at risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), citing figures showing a higher percentage of heterosexuals contracting the disease over the past year. “Worldwide, there are 2 million cases every year”.

AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is the most advanced stage of HIV infection.

In support of the World AIDS Day, the White House on Tuesday released an action plan for combating the disease in the United States over the next five years. Many, experts say were infected from intravenous drug use, a product of opioid addiction. However, the work will be within the United States where 1.2 million people are infected and one in eight people are unaware of their infection, roughly.

In 2014, YAP provided 289 free rapid HIV tests, which are accompanied by prevention counseling and referral to community partners.

Despite the virus only being identified in 1984, more than 35 million people have died of HIV or Aids, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history.


World AIDS Day is just as much about recognizing the need for this disease to be eradicated as it is about providing support to those already affected by HIV/AIDS.

Indonesian medical students light candles during a vigil commemorating World AIDS Day in Surabaya Indonesia on Dec. 1 2015