
White North Carolina police officer gives details of events in black man’s

One fired his Taser at him.


Kerrick’s voice continued to quaver as he described his educational background and recounted his police training.

“I thought I was going to die”, Kerrick said. And that could make the jury believe his story.

When Kerrick shed tears while on the stand, Ferrell’s family questioned his sincerity.

Kerrick shot Ferrell 10 times during their struggle. When Ferrell got within 3 to 5 feet, Kerrick said he started shooting.

“I thought I was going to die because I could do nothing that would stop him”, Kerrick said. He stepped in front of the jury again and laid on the ground demonstrating the position he was in while in the ditch with Ferrell.

Lawyers for the Yemeni detainee, Tariq Ba Odah, 36, said the decision indicated that President Obama is unable to control growing divisions in his administration and achieve his goal of closing the detention facility in Cuba before he leaves office in 2017. “Don’t move”.

KERRICK: It was really hard for me to judge distance in that room, the interview room.

Prosecutors say Kerrick overreacted when he killed Ferrell.

A police dash cam video on one of the police cars showed an unarmed Ferrell running toward the camera and then being shot several times. And he delivered the self-defense argument.

“Your own belief that somebody might or might not have a weapon wouldn’t allow you to use a Taser, much less a firearm, right?”

With a Mecklenburg County sheriff’s deputy stationed to the left of the witness box, Kerrick told the jury that he thought his gun wasn’t working because Ferrell kept coming at him.

Technical difficulties at the defense table brought testimony to a halt for a time during the late morning.

Ferrell’s shooting death took place nearly a year before an unarmed African American in New York and an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, were shot dead by white police officers. Little’s testimony was not as emotional but it did get heated during cross examination with the prosecution.

Ferrell, 24, was shot and killed September 14, 2013 by a North Carolina police officer. “Nothing I could do would stop him”.

“But I forgive him”, she said.

On Thursday, though, lead prosecutor Adren Harris took Officer Thornell Little through some of the most adversarial questioning of the trial.

Ferrell, according to Kerrick, was 5 feet away from Little when the officer fired the stun gun.


On redirect, Michael Greene asked Little if things happen that were not on the video. Kerrick and Little testified Thursday they heard “yelling and screaming” in the distance and went to investigate.

BREAKING Defense calls Randall ‘Wes’ Kerrick to testify in trial