
Who are Donald Trump’s kids?

The “Speechgate” debacle is further evidence of the disorganized nature of Trump’s campaign, which Republican leaders had hoped would improve as the party heads toward the general election.


Afterward, Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann said that Cruz “missed a real opportunity to solidify himself within the party”.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and who attack my father”, he declared defiantly in front of a crowd that included many who wanted Cruz to uphold his pledge to support the Republican Party’s presidential nominee.

“Everybody in that room … was behind my father”, the younger Trump said.

Still, some were willing to praise Cruz, while acknowledging that there was some political calculus at play. “No, sir, I do not believe that is correct”.

It was a moment of true suspense at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night: Would U.S. Sen. Instead of telling voters to support the GOP nominee, he told them to “vote their conscience” – a seeming nod to the “Never Trump” movement, who used the same word on Monday when they tried to prevent a Trump nomination. I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway.

“I just want to point it out to you”. Heidi Cruz was escorted out of the arena by Ken Cuccinelli, attorney general of Virginia, who told ABC News, “it was not a pretty situation”. “There seem to be so many things that divide us, so few great purposes that unite us as they once did”, Pence said. He predicted that Texans won’t forget Cruz turning his back on the party’s nominee.

Texas delegate Sue Cleveland will grudgingly.

Donald Trump will accept his party’s nomination for president tonight in a critical speech that could either help him overcome the controversies from his convention or exacerbate them.

Manafort told NBC’s “Today” on Thursday that Cruz “understood what the responsibilities are, someone in his position”.

Cruz left the stage with boos from the crowd, while Trump suddenly entered the venue and gave Cruz a thumbs-up, sarcastically venting his anger towards his former rival.


“I think it was very bad, and quite frankly, I think it was selfish”, Christie said. “I thought it was classless”.

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