
Who Is Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s Husband? 10 Facts About Donald’s Son-In-Law

Ivanka Trump was back on the campaign trail for her father Donald Trump just two weeks after she had a baby this spring. Yet Donald Trump doesn’t use those words to describe himself. “I also know how privileged I am”, she said, carefully maneuvering the topic. Besides a few “believe me” interjections and a response to a heckler in the audience, Trump stayed on script. Despite the concerns of his supporters, that rhetorical discipline – the lack of which has caused headaches for the campaign in the past – didn’t appear to hamper Trump’s energy, delivery, or audience engagement. She pledged that Trump will change labor laws that that discriminate against women-particularly working mothers-and will make child care affordable and accessible for all.


“I remember him telling me when I was a little girl, ‘Ivanka, if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well be thinking big”, Ivanka said at that announcement last June.

Ivanka Trump’s glowing speech presented her father as a champion of women who seeks to make childcare free for working mothers.

At a millennial town hall in Cleveland, a large group of young Republicans agreed that Ivanka is their favorite member of the Trump family.

Ivanka Trump Carra pump. I ask you to judge my father by his results. He says don’t worry, you’ll do a great job. Trump is most popular among white men.

Not only did she do an fantastic job at the mic, but she did a great one as the chief pitchwoman for Trump to other women; she made him sound like a Democrat. Though she didn’t come right out and say that he favors imposing mandatory paid family leave on employers and offering government-subsidized child care, it wasn’t hard to hear a call for just those policies in the subtext of her comments. It also provides a calculated contrast to a campaign filled with fashion faux pas, like Ivanka’s father giving out fake diamond cufflinks and the ,000 Armani jacket worn by Hillary Clinton while she preached about inequality. The candidate has also shown zero interest in thinking about the issue. It’s possible that she’s not like her asshole brothers who hunt big game for sport or her father who vomits out hateful rhetoric as a matter of course.

“His best running mate, by the way, would be Ivanka”, Tennessee Sen.

Ivanka with a Hopewell bag from her own collection, minutes before her father received the Republican Party’s nomination.


If these are her true views, the only way to explain this turn of events is that kids (obviously) aren’t always like their parents and certainly don’t always agree with them.

Who said it Ivanka Trump or Hillary Clinton