
Who is Theresa May?

“The prime minister explained that we would need some time to prepare for these negotiations and spoke of her hope that these could be conducted in a constructive and positive spirit”, the spokesman added.


Rudd, who succeeds May in charge of the Home Office, became a lawmaker in 2010 and served as parliamentary private secretary to former finance minister George Osborne from 2012 to 2013.

Johnson, a leading figure in the victorious “Leave” campaign in Britain’s European Union membership referendum last month, had been considered the front-runner to become prime minister himself before being sidelined by moves against him within the ruling Conservative Party. The normally raucous prime minister’s questions turned into a friendly session in which he was praised for cutting unemployment, funding the National Health Service, and improving educational opportunities.

Michael Fallon is the defence secretary.

The future of Mr Gove, the current Justice Secretary and one of Mrs May’s biggest Cabinet opponents, was still unclear last night.

Boris Johnson has been appointed Foreign Secretary, Downing Street confirmed.

Not to mention a Conservative Party whose infighting over Europe prompted Cameron to call a referendum in the first place – much to his spectacular downfall.

Cameron gave a short speech as he left the Downing Street office for the last time.

White House spokesman John Earnest said the USA congratulates May, and noted she is familiar to many in Washington.

Addressing the waiting media before heading to Buckingham Palace, Cameron sought to paint a positive picture of his time in office, despite it ending suddenly after the European Union referendum result.

He paid tribute to his wife, whom he described as “the love of my life” who had “kept me vaguely sane”.

Davis served as a Foreign Office minister in the government of former Prime Minister John Major from 1994 to 1997, where he was responsible for government negotiations over Europe and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation enlargement.

“As I once said, I was the future once”, Cameron said.

Whenever she happens to be near a microphone, Theresa May tends to say – absolutely truthfully it appears – that she just wants to “get on with the job”.

Britain’s new Prime Minister Theresa May said in her first speech as head of the British government on Wednesday that her mission will be to lead a “One Nation” government.

He later made the short drive to the palace, where the queen accepted his resignation after six years in office.

“We will rise to the challenge”.

Theresa May has been appointed the United Kingdom’s second female Prime Minister in a private audience with the Queen at which she was invited to form a government. When we pass new laws, we’ll listen not to the mighty, but to you.

“When it comes to taxes, we will prioritise not the wealthy, but you”. We will do everything to help you go as far as your talents can take you.


“Brexit means Brexit – and we’re going to make a success of it”, she said, referring to the termed coined to refer to Britain leaving the EU.

Conservative Party Autumn Conference 2015- Day 3