
Who Went Home on ‘Survivor’ 2015 Tonight? Top 10 Revealed!

She was part of a strong nine that voted the same way last tribal council (of course, their plans were foiled by Kelley Wentworth’s immunity idol).


Warning: This recap for the “Witches Coven” episode of Survivor contains spoilers.

Everyone’s still reeling after Kelley’s huge idol play.

CAMP – Kelley is riding high after shocking everyone. Kimmi is fine with Joe winning, because she wants to get rid of one of the Witches. Abi is Boil (willing to boil over at a moment’s notice) Ciera is Toil (trying to stir the pot) and Kelley is just pure Trouble. But Stephen thinks he might be able to team up with the witches to brew something that will help him not hurt him. After 20 minutes, they have to move to one foot, and Wiglesworth takes too long and is out.

They’re not the only ones looking for the idol though. Unbelievably, Joe won his third immunity necklace in a row! Compare this more openly aggressive strategy to the similar approach by Jeremy, who somehow spends the episode crafting a narrative that he’s next on the chopping block, despite there being no evidence that he’s even on anyone’s radar right now.

For the reward challenge, the Survivors are split into two teams.

They have to lug heavy poles to make a staircase, but the holes are different depths just to make it a little more confusing. I guess everybody had just figured that they weren’t even hiding any this season, but now that their existence is confirmed it’s open season!

Purple team goes straight to the reward, and there is a ton of food.

Next, they showed Rewards challenge footage. Wentworth falls first, and then (in no particular order) Wiglesworth, Jeremy, Ciera, Kimmi, and Tasha are gone. He’s loving the fact that the game is getting so unpredictable.

Jeremy, Stephen, and Keith are talking about Wentworth’s Immunity Idol, and how she must have had a clue to find it. I can’t believe they’re showing Keith actually interacting with people.

He’s overcome with emotion talking about his wife and kids. He wants to win this for them. And with two idols in his pocket and the heroic music playing in his confessional, it seems a likely possibility.

Stephen, on Joe and Kelly Wiglesworth: “They have a sort of shared arrogance about how awesome they are”. It goes two votes for each of Ciera, Wiglesworth, and Wentworth, but then Ciera gets another vote… but the next three are for Wiglesworth and she’s out.

Immunity Challenge time! We’re on a beach, and it’s another balance challenge. Last one standing wins immunity for tonight!

As if that was not hard enough, host Jeff Probst announces there will be another wrinkle and presents the players with a sudden, surprise choice.

Probst then cuts a rope and 11 buoys pop up. The first person to swim to their respective buoy and touch it gets an advantage in the game.

Only Spencer and Stephen go for it, and surprisingly, Stephen wins. Stephen makes it there just before Spencer. Way to go, Stephen! Kelly Wiglesworth’s name came up as the main target for elimination. Abi puts up a good fight, but Joe is unbeatable. And Stephen keeps his advantage for another week! His reward: the ability to steal another castaway’s vote at a tribal council, which he chose to save for later in the contest. He remembers Dan Foley’s blunder from Survivor: Worlds Apart and how he wasted his advantage, and he doesn’t want to make the same mistake. Love him (although I didn’t like the way he voted tonight).

Then he makes his rounds with the Witches. So he in turn pitches the plan to Jeremy and Spencer. They both see the advantages of getting rid of Kelly Wiglesworth, but they’re anxious about what it will do to the rest of their relationships in the game. Fish explains, for the hundredth time about voting blocs vs. alliances. “One of the best things about “Survivor” are the twists, the unexpected, the blindsides”.

These poor people are getting absolutely soaked. Jeremy brings up the whole voting bloc thing, and says he’s still trying to figure it out. Lots of trust issues at play in this one that should make for a nail-bitter among the castaways. Someone is going to Ponderosa tonight, but it won’t be Joe Anglim. She has no idea that her name has even been brought up. The old way of thinking was to “pick each person off” from the minority alliance, where the new school of thought says “destroy the present threat”. First tribe done wins a spa day away from camp! I think the yoga-y people like Joe and Wiglesworth will do well. Kimmi thinks it’s time to break up the witches coven: Wentworth, Ciera and Abi-Maria.

So, it is as nature intended; the snakes have eaten the rat.


Survivor 31 eliminated Kelly Wiglesworth in November 18th show tonight. At least she’ll get the new experience of being on the jury. There are too many people left – to three, and they don’t have any more Idols.

Episode 9