
Who won the 5th GOP debate?

The vast complexities of a unsafe world were cast in too-simple terms in the latest Republican presidential debate. “When we get back in the White House, we will fight terrorists and America will be safe”, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said.


Republican presidential candidates, from left, John Kasich, Carly… What seemed clearer Wednesday: Christie will likely gain more attention from his rivals the next time the Republican hopefuls meet on the debate stage. This is the last GOP debate of the year, with U.S. Sen.

Chris Christie, back on the main stage thanks to CNN’s expansive inclusion rules and his own improved poll numbers in New Hampshire, did the most to actively scare the shit out of every person unfortunate enough to be watching.

The brash billionaire “talks a big game”, Bush said, “but really hasn’t thought it through”. “We have an enemy that is out to kill us, and we have a government we can’t trust anymore”, Huckabee said.

Nicholas Marquart, a Conservative turned Democrat, says while he’s planning to vote for a Democratic presidential candidate, he’s following the GOP race closely to educate himself. If he should lose the nomination, some fear he would make such a move, possibly preventing the nominee from defeating the Democratic challenger. Trump stood at 38 percent among registered Republicans and GOP-leaning independents in that poll, six points higher than in October and November.

Here’s a round-up of some of the best moments of Tuesday night’s debate – the great call-outs between candidates, the best questions, the memorable foreign policy analyses.

Paul also poked Christie for saying he would shoot down a Russian plane in a Syrian no-fly zone. “World War III has begun, and we have a leader who refuses to identify it”, said former senator Rick Santorum (Pa.), meaning America’s global conflict with Islamic militant groups, and the threat posed by the government of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Paul said that is a “recipe for disaster” and shows poor judgment.

Christie ignored the bridge reference. Crowley says. “You know, are they going out of their way to try to frighten people?”

Donald Trump – The man gave absolutely incoherent answers on shutting down the Internet and claimed that Russian Federation and Iran were fighting ISIS (when in fact they are attacking the rebels we support).

Republicans vowed to greatly escalate a war on terrorism in their first debate since attacks in Paris and California on Tuesday, but clashed over whether to treat all Muslims as suspect and how much to spy on Americans.

The candidates offered their solutions to fighing terrorism online, with Texas Sen. Seeking to draw a sharp contrast with Rubio, Cruz went further than he has previously in opposing legalization for people in the US illegally.

“What I told Sheldon through his people is that I’d love their support”.


That enthusiasm wasn’t lost on Rubio’s opponents, drawing take-downs from Cruz and Sen. “We are now at a time when we need more tools, not less tools”, Rubio said. We need to do considerably more than that and Kasich needs to do considerably more if he wants to be competitive in this race. “This is not just the most capable, it is the most sophisticated terror threat we have ever faced”. “Marco knows what he’s saying isn’t true”, he said. “In particular, what it did is the prior program only covered a relatively narrow slice of phone calls”, Cruz added.

Republican presidential candidates from left John Kasich Carly Fiorina Marco Rubio Ben Carson Donald Trump Ted Cruz Jeb Bush Chris Christie and Rand Paul take the stage during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Venetian Hotel & Casino