
Who won the 6th Democratic debate?

The problem for Clinton is the same she had in 2008 when she lost the Democratic nomination to then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama who was able to capitalize on the “hope and change” idea – if she talks about her experience it stresses her insider status. Hillary Clinton is running for the president’s third term.


Though they’ll share a stage, the candidates will speak separately rather than debating.

On the same night the Hillary Clinton campaign opened new campaign offices in Nashville, the Bernie Sanders campaign announced Thursday it would open its own campaign offices in Nashville on Friday evening.

While Clinton invoked Walker and his record in Wisconsin several times throughout the debate, Sanders didn’t tailor his message to the locale.

Both candidates haven’t exactly been BFFs with Obama.

“Because what we will do is say, instead of giving tax breaks to millionaires, we are going to create millions of jobs for low-income kids so they’re not hanging out on street corners”, he said.

“Madam secretary, that was a low blow”, Sanders retorted.

Mrs Clinton said that Mr Sanders proposal for a single-payer, Medicare-for-all healthcare plan would mean dismantling the program known as Obamacare and triggering another intense political struggle.

(Feb. 11, 2016)- Hillary Clinton has one goal in Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate: Stop Bernie Sanders.

Clinton replied that “journalists have asked who you do listen to on foreign policy, and you have yet to answer that”.

Targeting the Black community in the United States, Sanders stated yet again that his nation has “a campaign finance system which is corrupt, which is undermining American democracy, which allows Wall Street millionaires and billionaires to pour money”, which African Americans receive the brunt of this structural inequality.

Clinton wouldn’t disavow a comment by former Secretary of State Madeline Albright that there is “a special place in hell” for women who don’t support other women.

And when it came to Sanders’ plans for health care, Clinton had the harshest criticism: “The numbers don’t add up, and many people will actually be worse off than they are right now”. Clinton now has a strong advantage over Sanders with African Americans, who represent a large segment of the electorate in SC, which is one of the next states on the primary calendar. I understand we can disagree on the path forward.

Clinton, who has eagerly embraced Obama’s legacy, said Sanders had called Obama weak and a disappointment, and “that goes further than saying we have our disagreements”.

Clinton and Sanders: No one did poorly, but no one did well.

Tough questions: Sanders faced scrutiny over how much he would enlarge government, Clinton had to address her biggest campaign donors and both candidates faced hard inquiries about their campaigns. But I met Hillary Clinton.

Sanders went on to say he thought it was “rather amazing” that Clinton would take any advice from Kissinger.


‘I think that the best analysis that I’ve seen based on Sen.

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