
Whoops! Harry Styles falls on stage – again

Those boots were obviously not made for walking, mate.


The 21-year-old band member of One Direction took a hard tumble on stage during their concert in Toronto, Canada. Do you need an ice pack?

As Gossip Cop noted, this was far from the first time Styles has taken a spill. Way to kick things off! Harry along with his bandmates were singing “Better Than Words“, and just before the beat dropped, Harry chose to jump a little on the stage.

Poor Harry! We hope he isn’t too badly hurt from the fall. Hence, it is really surprising that one of them would get to mention the other’s name.

Witnesses took to social media to report the fall, using the hashtag #ohnoharry, but this isn’t the first time the 1D heartthrob met the floor on stage.

Oh Harry! You can totally tell that he knows what he’s doing.

We also can’t forget about 2012. Another fan even posted a meme video showing what could be Harry’s retort if asked if he misses Taylor – and the answer is “no”.

Unfortunately the English star was not looking where his foot was landing, and when he put his weight on his leg it skidded out from under him, causing Harry to land bottom before lying on his back. It will be engrained in our memories forever. That’s when I met Harry and he’s come to three of our shows. And that point, the girls are going, ‘Dad, just don’t embarrass us!


What is your favorite Harry falling moment?

Whoops! Harry Styles falls on stage again