
Why Aussie vets can’t take their eyes off Bowie the koala

Staff at the rescue unit believe she was hit by a vehicle, left limping after bruising to her left hind leg. Experts said she escaped major injury, but it was another condition which left them stunned; she has heterochromia, an extremely rare phenomenon where the eyes of an animal are two different colours.


The young female koala was taken to Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital on the Sunshine Coast last month after it was hit by what was thought to be a vehicle near Brendale, north of Brisbane.

And now a koala that was rescued by a zoo in Australia is getting loads of attention for exactly the same reason.

Australia Zoo staff named “Bowie” after noticing her mismatched eyes.

As a result of a recessive gene inherited from her parents, Bowie’s right eye is bright blue, while her left eye is a more common brown.

Dr Griffiths says Bowie’s blue eye did not affect her vision.

Bowie was found on a roadside north of Brisbane. She was found injured with evidence pointing to a auto collision.

Bowie was also found to have mild cystitis and was administered antibiotics to aid her recovery.

“After being rescued from a road in Brendale, Dr Sharon confirmed that Bowie had luckily escaped any serious injuries and found that apart from some reduced pigmentation in her right eye, Bowie had flawless vision!” they wrote.

Once recovered, Bowie will be returned to the wilds in the state of Queensland.


The British star was widely reported to have anisocoria, characterized by an unequal size in his pupils, giving the illusion of different colored eyes.

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