
Why Bernie Sanders supporters are split on voting for Hillary Clinton

“She’s still better than the Republican alternative”.


Delegates for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign before Hillary Clinton became the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee.

That wish was granted after she was booed and heckled by her fellow Floridians. You can sign up for our daily convention newsletter here, or find out about our events in Philadelphia here.

The discord had many Democrats frustrated.

“We don’t need a situation where we blatantly put it in the face of Sanders supporters after what’s happened, that we will continue to act like this didn’t happen”, said state Representative David Bowen of Milwaukee, a Sanders delegate.

Both parties are going through major upheavals, the unrest driven largely by grassroots anger at political institutions and elites.

Democrats seemed like they were having an easier time keeping a lid on their party’s angst. “The choice is not even close”.

Back when Clinton lost to then-Sen. It’s a massive scandal that’s rocking the Democratic Party and infuriating the millions of Sanders’ supporters who feel the system is corrupt. He said that as a veteran of many civil rights protests, he understands the passions that drove the mostly young delegates to shout over his speech.

President Barack Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden and Mrs Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, spoke passionately and powerfully about why she is qualified to sit in the Oval Office and why Donald Trump is not.

The convention will be a bittersweet affair for Sanders supporters.

Wasserman Schultz is scheduled to gavel the convention to its opening Monday, and at least one Wisconsin delegate thinks Brazile should be at the podium in her place.

“It was downright disrespectful”, said Kweisi Mfume, a Clinton delegate and former head of the NAACP, who called it a “a low point” of the four-day summer meeting. But she predicted the party would ultimately come together. “Party unity is paramount”. “They know we’ve got to unite and stop Trump”.

“This is a process, not a coronation”, Beaton added.

This email controversy isn’t just a “distraction” that Clinton supporters are claiming. And, they argue, how the nation’s ethnic and racial minorities may be affected by a Donald Trump presidency.

Once Clinton secures 2,382 total delegates, she’ll be “over the top” and have enough to clinch the nomination. Trump’s problem is with elites, who constitute a vocal minority within the GOP. Clinton has a problem with grassroots liberals, a much larger pool of voters.

“It takes a president who believes not only in the potential of his own child, but of all children; who believes not only in the strength of his own family, but of the American family”, the first lady said.

MacManus described the scene at the Downtown Marriott as “amazing” and “so intense”. Ted Cruz was booed for refusing to endorse Trump in a primetime speech. Wasserman Schultz denied the accusation, but was forced out as chief Sunday.

“I have seen the Bernie and Hillary teams working together over the past two days”, Heisler said in an email.

That makes this election season one of the most volatile and hard to forecast.

“I really don’t think that anything that was done tipped the scale in favor of Secretary of Clinton, but I do think the very appearance is something that we should all be concerned about, and that’s why I think you saw party leaders move fairly quickly to ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down”, Corn said. Trump declared on Twitter: “The Dems Convention is cracking up”. As a Jew and strong advocate for Israel, she also provided a bulwark for Obama against Republican efforts at the time to paint him as anti-Israel.


In a statement to CNN the Florida congresswoman said she will leave the position after the DNC convention, being held this week in Philadelphia.

Emails Released by WikiLeaks Appear to Show DNC Trying to Aid Hillary Clinton