
Why Clinton says the controversies are behind her

Trump’s campaign denounced the ad as a “disgusting new low”.


Trump – “a man”, according to Clinton, “with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far, dark reaches of the Internet” – surrounds himself with these people.

This marks a 7-point drop from the poll’s Tuesday edition, which showed Clinton held a 12-point edge over the real estate mogul, 45 to 33. Trump’s embrace of this ideology presented by the “alt-right” was permanently cemented by hiring Stephen Bannon, the former head of a leading “alt-right” website, as his campaign CEO.

Clinton, meanwhile, followed up on Thursday’s tough speech by saying that Trump’s temperament and divisiveness made him unfit for the White House.

Pressed whether she would be launching the same attacks she is facing if roles were reversed and a Republican was in her shoes, Clinton said that wouldn’t be the case.

The New York businessman has vacillated by saying there would be “a softening” of existing immigration laws and later suggesting for the first time that if he did authorize deportations, many of those immigrants would be allowed to return quickly to the United States. Even some supporters have said Clinton faces a perception problem over the issue.

“You can’t take 11 million at one time and say boom, you’re gone”, Trump said on CNN.

King also allowed for the possibility that undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed crimes can be deported later than those who have.

King said any alternative policy would amount to amnesty. “We are going to end this war on the American farmer”.

“Tim Kaine sunk to new lows with dirty and deplorable attacks which have no place in this campaign”, Reince Priebus said in a statement.

Giving in to the persistent urging of party leaders, Trump has begun relying more on a TelePrompter, allowing for fewer troublesome off-the-cuff remarks. More emails came out that raised questions about whom she and her top aides were meeting with while she was secretary of State (ahem, lotsa Clinton Foundation donors). Instead, she offered a strident denouncement of Trump’s campaign and the so-called alt-right movement, which is often associated with efforts on the far right to preserve “white identity”, oppose multiculturalism and defend “Western values”. The corruption was revealed for all to see.

Following the speech, the Republican nominee took to twitter to express his thoughts, accusing Clinton of “race-baiting” and “pandering to the worst instincts in our society”.


“My work as secretary of state was not influenced by any outside forces”, Clinton said.
