
Why Cruz won’t back Trump

As Cruz was speaking, delegates chanted, “Endorse Trump!” – to which the senator replied dismissively, “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the NY delegation”. Eric and Ivanka Trump will have their turn before the convention is over.


While Cruz was still running for president, Trump attacked his wife Heidi’s looks and accused his father of having a role in John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

As the plagiarism controversy took hold, Trump Organization staff writer Meredith McIver stepped forward and claimed responsibility for the blunder.

“A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama”, McIver said of Melania Trump. “He has said that there’s things he needs help with from the American people. and if you don’t get behind him he can’t be what he can be”.

With one night still to go – including Donald Trump’s high-stakes acceptance speech – the sometimes chaotic Republican National Convention has particularly pleased one very interested demographic: the Hillary Clinton campaign. If accusing Ted Cruz’s Dad of assassinating JFK isn’t petty then what is? His stand, however, could prove prescient depending on the outcome of the November election and the reaction of grass-roots GOP voters. Your word, in politics, has to be your bond.

“These are the forgotten men and women of our country”, he said.

Cruz said he delivered this speech out of “obligation”. She said that she offered to resign but that Trump encouraged her to stay.

Christie noted that all the contenders signed a pledge in September to back the party’s eventual nominee, no matter who it is.

Once again, Trump explained, “The answer has to be “yes” or I would not have done it…I don’t play to lose”, though, once again, he qualified that answer to say he had not thought he would so easily crush the very large GOP field of hopefuls.

As the last speaker at the gathering, Trump, 70, has a chance on Thursday night (Friday NZT) to end on a positive note when he makes a prime-time address to formally accept the presidential nomination.

Trump presented a bleak view of America under siege from illegal immigrants, threatened by Islamic State militants, hindered by crumbling infrastructure and weakened by unfair trade deals.

Declaring America in crisis, Donald Trump pledged to cheering Republicans and still-skeptical voters Thursday night that as president he will restore the safety they fear they’re losing, strictly curb immigration and save the nation from Hillary Clinton’s record of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”.

As the GOP primary came down to the two candidates this spring, Trump and his surrogates attacked Cruz’s family.

Reaction to Cruz was swift. He was scripted, self-contained and made no mention of Ted Cruz. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who had endorsed Trump, said in a Breitbart interview that Cruz’s move was a career-ender.

“He’s going to win”.


But Cruz didn’t make this play for the near-term. “So as far as the contract was concerned, he was the one in violation, not anybody else”. Finally, on Wednesday, a speechwriter for Trump’s company issued a statement saying she was to blame.

Donald Trump joins Mike Pence on stage after the Indiana governor accepted the party's vice-presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland July 20