
Why haven’t gun laws been changed yet?

What’s a typical weapon of choice, though?


Sowell points out that if the “gun control zealots” had actual proof that gun works they could abolish gun ownership in America via the processes our Founding Fathers set forth for repealing or amending an amendment.

Gun control advocates often state the phrase “guns kill”. There have been 266 mass shootings since the year began.

I propose that enlistees spend two weeks every year in training camp and one weekend every two months. But what makes anyone think that there are no innocent lives lost by disarming law-abiding people while criminals remain armed? It was enshrined in that sacred document to protect us from a far more risky entity…our own government. To paraphrase a recent tweet from the journalist Glenn Greenwald – Republicans say “whatever” when told of mass shootings in the United States and Democrats say “whatever” when told of the mounting death toll from American actions in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The NRA offers services for women, hunters, and youth. Democrats were more willing to broach the issue than Republicans, who in several instances spoke of gun control only to defend their conservative credentials from accusations of being “anti-gun”, as Mitt Romney did in 2012. What they don’t get is that the Second Amendment has never been about the recreational pleasure of gun enthusiasts.

Berman then introduces a new argument entirely, stating he has “trouble buying the notion that bearing arms is a right”, instead arguing “it should be a privilege to be able to own a gun in the United States”.

More and more people are being shot, injured, and killed every day. It is when substance abuse co-occurs with mental illness that we see a connection to criminal activity.

There will be a limit of four guns per militia member, unless they are registered with the Federal Government as a certified gun collector, who will pay substantial fees. We need to give our educators the tools needed to protect our children. Propped it up. Aimed and fired.

At the outset of this column, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not in favor of taking away everyone’s guns.

A few gun control zealots may cherry-pick statistics comparing nations with and without strong gun control laws, but cherry-picking is very different from using statistics to actually test a belief. However, as I blew my jagged bangs out of my face to aim, I was not risky. A small survey reported by Fascitelli and Royer found a few popularity among one segment of gun owners for “smart guns”, but the acid test will be ringing cash registers and 100 percent reliability. Americans support sensible restrictions on gun ownership. With so many facts available from so many places and times, why is gun control still a heated issue?

Now, the anti-gun crowd claims that times are much different now than when the 2nd Amendment was written, and it is no longer relevant to our day (oddly, their view of First Amendment rights is just the opposite, claiming an nearly unlimited interpretation of “free speech”, to include even “exotic dancing” and virtual child pornography…pretty much anything except political speech, which they say must be tightly regulated). Gun safety groups including Americans for Responsible Solutions, the organization started by former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, expect to spend more than $600,000 in those races, pounding the reform message in collaboration with the candidates.

And despite Feinblatt’s assertion that “the political calculus has changed”, the ideas put forward by thengovernor George W Bush and Vice-President Al Gore are in many cases identical to proposals made 15 years later. Obviously this number sounds daunting.

Should citizens be allowed to carry concealed sidearms for their personal and family protection, and should they be able to do so across all state lines?


Krueger, who in the past has advocated cutting state subsidies to historic New York’s gun manufacturer Remington and helped sandbag a move to allow Empire State residents to register to vote while getting their hunting license, earlier this year cried foul when her bill to bring mandatory gun lock laws to the state tanked in the Senate.

Repeal concealed weapons laws; mandate open carry