
Why is it called Black Friday?

Of course, the hours will vary by store, but Walmart will be open until midnight on Black Friday, with Target letting shoppers in until 11 p.m., with both stores having opened their doors beginning on Thanksgiving night.


Well, here’s a little secret. “The slowness some customers may have experienced was resolved, and we apologize if you experienced difficulty shopping the site”.

Do you really want to deal with wild crowds on Thanksgiving night just to buy a TV?

Despite stores opening early on Thanksgiving Day, Central Florida malls and stores were packed Friday as shoppers looked for holiday treasures.

“People like to come here because we sell so many unique things”, she said. We were used to standing outside the store and waiting to get in the store. However, with Thanksgiving comes one of the biggest shopping weekends of the season, and thousands of Nevadans are spending the final days before the holiday planning their strategy for getting the best deals retailers have to offer. Check out the latest coupons and discounts from our circulars page at And speaking of Black Friday mainstays in the US also selling for less in the U.K., Argos also has a deal on a Toshiba 15.6-inch laptop with 4GB RAM and 500GB hard drive; that laptop will set you back by only £179.99, or $100 off. Wal-Mart said it expects record crowds on Friday, even though it’s putting most of its discounts online first. “Ain’t got time to do nothing else”.

She solved that quickly by ordering it on “The holiday is unequivocally reserved for family”, Rosenthal says. Many would spend Thanksgiving evening combing through circulars to plot their shopping route for the next day based on the deals they hoped to snag. Walmart is letting customers check in with their phones and place online orders for in-store pick up.

So When Should You Shop?

The annual ritual of Black Friday, as we know it, is over.

“There is a real sea change happening in retail when it comes to the how, when, where and why of holiday shopping”.

The Christian Science Monitor also published a guide (available here) that breaks down the best items to hunt for on Cyber Monday 2015, including toys, travel, appliance, clothing, shoes, and beauty products. It says Samsung and Panasonic are cheaper closer to Christmas, and right before the Super Bowl.

He echoed Trego’s definition of Black Friday, adding, “So much of the previous excitement on Black Friday is on Thanksgiving now”.


“Stores that open on Turkey Day do not interest us, no matter how fantastic the price is, even on an item that we would covet”.

Macy's CEO: Opening on Thanksgiving Day Is Here to Stay