
Why Obama Is Standing by the Syrian Refugees

The governor of Midwestern IN state is being sued over his decision to block Syrian refugees from resettling IN the state.


“Refugees seeking admission to the United States undergo the most intense security vetting of any immigrants seeking admission to our nation”, Mayorkas said. The bill, in response to the horrific Paris terrorist attacks, should have been titled the American Xenophobic Act of 2015.

Gov. Abbott joined 30 other state governors in the rejection movement- although, constitutionally, their requests are far from doable.

Governors of more than half the states said this week they did not want to accept Syrian refugees.

In Austin, supporters hope that this nation, too, will step up to help with the humanitarian crisis.

The American people have been forced to pay untold millions for a ten-year Central Intelligence Agency and Pentagon program to undermine and overthrow the Syrian government, and now we are supposed to pay millions more to provide welfare for the refugees Obama created.

Individuals who are granted refugee status are placed in various cities across the country and receive assistance from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

In reality, about 264,000 refugees, or 2.3 percent, resided in the United States in 2013. People who feel as if they have been ostracized will be easier for the Islamic State to recruit.

“I’ve met a number of them”.

Refugees who don’t return home or aren’t resettled sometimes languish in limbo for years or even decades.

Last week, the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly for a bill that would require top USA national security officials to certify that each individual migrant from Iraq and Syria is not a national security threat to the United States before being granted asylum.

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry also sent a letter to Rauner last week detailing the vetting process for refugees.

This hypocritical stance is echoed by Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, who believe the us should only accept Christian refugees.

The refugee screening process now takes 18-24 months on average. “Fully aware of the victimization that is likely to await them in refugee camps, Iraqi and Syrian believers are mainly taking shelter in schools, churches, and apartments, or with relatives where possible”.

“If, and only if, a refugee applicant passes the Department of State security checks, after having already been vetted by UN-HCR, then the refugee’s packet of information is prepared for review by the Department of Homeland Security”, he said.

“Governor Rauner and Deputy Secretary Mayorkas late Friday spoke by phone in follow-up to the Governor’s discussion with the White House Chief of Staff”. The State Department checks each applicant’s name and aliases against its Consular Lookout Support System database, which includes information from the Terrorist Screening Database, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Interpol.

“Refugees are finger-printed, photographed, and vetted against all of the national security databases we maintain in search of any hint of terrorist ties or any other criminal or nefarious activity in their background”, Carper said.


But objection to accepting Syrian refugees is divided into three parts: fear, politics and prudence. Why not convene a meeting with governors from both parties on all sides of this debate, showing that the administration takes their misgivings seriously, is open to improvements and, most important, wants to bring the discussion back to a rational level?

In this Nov. 18 2015 frame from video New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio displays