
Why vote for Donald Trump?

Scott Baio, best known for his role on the hit series “Charles in Charge”, followed him on stage, saying he trusts Trump with the safety of family and country.


Those delegates will be in charge of formalising this Thursday Trump’s designation as the party’s Presidential candidate, who will then contest the election with Democratic ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will in turn be nominated next week at her party’s convention in Philadelphia.

Chaos erupted at the Republican National Convention on Monday afternoon after the leadership bypassed a call for a full floor vote on the rules of the event. “We had Trump delegates that were standing in front of the microphones to deny us access”. This is not about Donald Trump, this is about having a good, fair rules process.

Trump, he said, is a “man doing this from the goodness of his heart… and genuinely wants to help”.

After shouting and chaos on the convention floor, Womack returned, announcing that the motion for a roll-call vote had support from only six states, which is one less than the number needed to force a roll call vote.

The brief dust-up over the platform and the rules cleared the way for the convention to get on with its expected business: nominating NY real estate mogul Donald Trump as the GOP candidate for president against likely Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“It was one of those things that didn’t really go anywhere”, Whitbeck said.

Many of them supported U.S. Sen.

A roll call vote would have allowed individual delegates to vote against Trump, which many say would have failed, but which shows a sign of division in the party.

Many GOP congressmen are skipping the convention as is John Kasich, the governor of OH – an unprecedented snub in modern United States convention politics. Trump’s campaign manager accused Kasich, the last challenger to drop out of the GOP presidential race, of “embarrassing” his state.

Whitbeck dismissed the talk of Virginia delegates walking out on the convention as “just a rumor”. Former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who has criticized the Black Lives Matter movement following recent police shootings, also was on tap.

Leading up to Monday, anti-Trump forces repeatedly voiced suspicions that party leaders and the campaign would do whatever possible to subvert their effort. That’s his prerogative. It can win.


Stepping onto the national stage for her first big appearance of the campaign, Melania Trump, wife of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, detailed her own personal journey from Slovenia to the US, and called her decision to become an American “the greatest privilege on planet Earth”.

Donald Trump