
Wichitans react to Trump’s comments on Muslim veteran

President Barack Obama addressed the Disabled American Veterans’ annual conference in Atlanta on Monday.


Ryan condemned any criticism of Muslim Americans who serve their country, while Ayotte declared she was “appalled” by Trump’s spat with the Khans.

KAKE News spoke with the Islamic Society of Wichita Monday about Trump’s remarks.

“She’s worse, and oh by the way, she has blood on her hands”.

In an implicit rebuke of Donald Trump, President Obama praised the nation’s Gold Star families, saying those who’ve lost loved ones in military service are “a powerful reminder of the true strength of America”.

Upon being asked to respond to Garrett over the phone, Dittmar referred to a statement made Monday by Sen.

But even with their tough talk, prominent Republicans are not backing down from their support of Trump, even after another another unforced error by the Republican nominee has put the party back on defense and left its candidates, yet again, having to defend his place at the top of the ticket.

“There’s tone and then there are words”.

“I am afraid the election is going to be rigged”. The Democrat reported raising almost $90 million in July for her campaign and the Democratic Party, with more than half the donations coming from new donors. Khizr Khan sharply criticized Trump during the Democratic National Convention.

Lourey’s son Chief Warrant Officer 4 Matthew Lourey was killed when his helicopter was shot down in Iraq in 2005. After he moved toward the vehicle, it exploded and Khan was killed. He had told the remainder of his troops to step back from the vehicle, which saved their lives; Khan was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.

Christie, who said he didn’t see Khan’s speech, said that honoring the couple’s sacrifice is the way to respond to their critical remarks and “anything other than that is missing the point”.

“It makes him vulnerable”, Gingrich said. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. “He just doesn’t understand the risks and the sacrifice that these families are making”.

“What really matters is what the American people think, and I think that’s a long way from being resolved”.

Trump stoked further outrage by implying Ghazala Khan didn’t speak while standing alongside her husband at the convention because she’s a Muslim woman.

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has on Monday dismissed his Senior Adviser Ed Brookover, even as he has expressed fear that the November election could be “rigged”.

Not mentioning Trump by name, Scott went on to seemingly characterize the entire kerfuffle as a distraction from the general election, on which he said Republicans needed to hone in, now. “I’d like to hear his wife say something”, Trump told the New York Times.

The Republican freshman senator is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

“I think this is something that’s honestly blown hugely out of proportion”, Trump countered, proceeding to argue that Donald Trump had praised the family as “amazing people” and that his focus was ultimately on security issues, and dealing with illegal immigration and Syrian refugees. She said she cried after hearing Trump’s comments, too.


“I will gladly lend you my copy!”

How Trump supporters are pushing back against the Khan controversy