
Wii U hits major milestone by selling 10 million units

It could be possible Nintendo is delaying the game’s release for the upcoming NX console, which could be powerful enough for a game as major as The Legend of Zelda.


Unfortunately for Wii U fans, there are actually only two Wii U games with guaranteed 2016 releases. But Nintendo has effectively promised a Zelda game on Wii U from day one, and even if they’re rushing to replace the disappointing console, it would be very unlike them to skip Zelda entirely on the system. Given that this last E3 scooted by with only 3DS spinoffs for the series (and that this year is winding down fast) that seems a given at this point: no Zelda Wii U this year. Although “The Legend of Zelda” was marked as TBD in Nintendo’s report, this does not automatically mean that the game has been delayed for a second time.

The earnings release – and the slow march to 10 million Wii U sales – underscores Nintendo’s ongoing trouble appealing to gamers across the gaming landscape. The game will be receiving an update in August, which will expand on Nintendo’s already successful formula. Last year it sold 60,000, with this year selling 150,000.

Frogmind’s Badland: Game of the Year Edition, Renegade Kid’s Xeodrifter and Endless Golf from Fanttum Games round out the new Wii U releases, with Nintendo 3DS owners treated to Bigben Interactive’s Mahjong and Solitaire titles as well as Flick Golf 3D from Full Fat Productions. Nintendo gives Splatoon a big pat on the back, too, saying its 1.62 million unit sales and overall success “contributed to vitalizing the Wii U platform”.



Nintendo was met with tragedy when their global president Satoru Iwata passed away on July 11 at the age of 55. “Amiibo” was given due credit by Nintendo as the one who pulled up the first quarter endings of the company. Iwata admitted that Nintendo needed to make some improvements and announced the company’s next project, code named the NX. Development of the game was first announced in January 23, 2013, with a release period set for this year. The power vacuum has left Nintendo without a rudder and shareholders are concerned with where the company will be headed under the leadership of a new executive.

Legend of Zelda for Wii U