
Wikileaks posts hacked DNC voicemails

Numerous leaked messages were not particularly interesting, but Bill Eacho, a donor and former US ambassador, asked for dinner with President Barack Obama.


The WikiLeaks files seemed timed to embarrass the party and Clinton, although the audio recordings did not appear to contain any bombshell revelations.

The Democratic Party has been reeling this week from an avalanche of controversy related to the release of emails, and now voicemails, by WikiLeaks.

The leak, which Democratic officials blamed on Russian Federation, eclipsed Monday’s opening of the convention and forced the resignation of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, though Clinton immediately named her to a post in her campaign.

The emails revealed tactics used by the DNC to derail Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic nomination.

The nasty tone in the emails and the favoritism angered many in the Democratic party, especially supporters of Sanders, who Clinton beat out for the nomination.

“Bernie is the worst person in the world to even be running in the Democratic Party because he’s not a Democrat”, said the unidentified woman, who noted she was on a fixed income and had donated $300 to Clinton.

In one of the 29 voicemails released, a woman who donated $300 to Clinton called the party finance director Andrew Wright and said she was angry the party was acquiescing to Sanders by allowing liberal activist and prominent Sanders surrogate Cornel West to have one of 15 seats on the party’s platform-writing panel.

A caller identified as a representative of Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley says she received a White House invitation.


The party organization has not commented on the emails released by WikiLeaks, but neither has it disputed their authenticity.

Democratic National Headquarters