
WikiLeaks Releases DNC Voice Mail: ‘You Guys Are Losing Me’

Wikileaks released a series of voicemails Wednesday from the Democratic National Committee hack showing donors plying top-level officials for favors, and one donor expressing outrage that Vermont Sen.


The Democratic Convention has been hit with mass protests following controversy over the release of thousands of party emails by WikiLeaks which showed Democratic staffers favored Hillary Clinton over Senator Sanders.

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she would resign at the convention’s end due to fallout from the emails.

‘I don’t care about Sanders supporters, a lot of them are going to vote for Hillary anyway. A caller who identifies himself as former ambassador to Austria William Eacho says his wife got a call about a small dinner with President Obama.

The party still attempted to unite behind Mrs. Clinton, in particularly through its, “I’m with her” slogan.

“He’s called President Obama a “n****rized president” and he said he’s a “Republican in blackface”,’ the woman rages”.

“I’m furious about what you are doing for Bernie Sanders, he’s getting way too much influence”, the woman says.

One of the voicemails – from an Arizona dialling code – captures an irate woman demanding the party take action against Sanders. Bernie Sanders from clinching the party’s nomination, has leaked up to 29 files from the committee.

Other recordings feature prominent party members apparently using their status to inquire about meetings with President Barack Obama and other invitations to exclusive White House events.


When Wikileaks first released classified materials embarrassing to the Bush Administration, the left either celebrated or was silent about the security implications of this kind of disclosure of classified information.

Hacked voicemails released by Wiki Leaks have revealed how Democratic Party donors tried to persuade senior officials to ditch Bernie Sanders