
Wikileaks Releases Hacked DNC Voicemails Less Than a Week After Emails Leaked

Wikileaks caused DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to resign for corruption against Bernie Sanders, and more election emails are coming.


Perhaps the most notable voicemail was from a female donor who reportedly donated $300 to the Democratic Party. A caller who identifies himself as former ambassador to Austria William Eacho says his wife got a call about a small dinner with President Obama.

One caller objects to Sanders’ choices for the party’s platform committee and doesn’t even want the Vermont senator to have a speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention.

Most of the calls released where left for “Andrew”, of which there are a few at the DNC.

Outgoing Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claims she is taking one for the team in offering her resignation.

Assange has warned that there will be more hacked data to be released, promising greater and greater leaks.

So far this week in Philadelphia, high-profile DNC speakers have sought to bridge the divide between disillusioned Sanders voters and bullish Clinton supporters – harping on a convention theme “Stronger Together”.

An opinion piece by Daily Kos implies that Julian Assange feels particularly bitter toward Hillary Clinton and stated in their headline that “Julian Assange [is] deliberately trying to hurt Hillary Clinton, threatens to do it again”.

It is the second batch in a series that has deeply rattled the party and prompted the organisation’s chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to step down.

Specifically, Bernie Sanders has explicitly told his followers several times that they should not vote for Donald Trump and should support Hillary Clinton for president.


Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is parsing out the information that he has on the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and quite possibly, others in the Democrat party.

Delegates hold Hillary Clinton signs after she was named the Democratic nominee for president at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Pennsylvania