
Wikileaks Releases Hacked DNC Voicemails on Third Night of Convention

WikiLeaks released files on Wednesday of what it said were audio recordings pulled from the emails of the Democratic National Committee that were obtained by hacking its servers. He’s not a Democrat! I spent over $300 donated to Hillary. Please don’t give into him.


‘Quit acquiescing to this person who likes to play the victim card, and who also has been attacking Hillary which gives Trump all his talking points’.

Of Russian involvement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation suspects that Russian government hackers breached the networks of the Democratic National Committee and stole emails that were posted to WikiLeaks in order to influence the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. “Get rid of the a**hole”.

One caller objected to Sanders’ choices for the party’s platform committee and didn’t even want the Vermont senator to have a speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention.

“He’s called President Obama a “n****rized president” and he said he’s a “Republican in blackface”,’ the woman rages”.

‘Why does the DNC allow such trash to be on the platform committee? I don’t understand it – you guys are losing me’.

“Someone from the Free Library wanted to know what is the best way to reach contact Michelle Obama with an invitation inviting her to participate in some wonderful event and development relating to the library, and the hospital for children, and some other facilities coming together”.


But unlike the 19,000-email leak, a serious matter under investigation by the FBI, the contents of which s the DNC was looking for ways to knock Bernie Sanders out of the presidential race, the released voicemails were little more than grumpy donors who didn’t like how things were being run. Another message from the office of Elizabeth Bagley, a major Democratic Party donor and the former U.S. Ambassador to Portugal, has Bagley’s people inquiring about a St. Patrick’s Day reception at the White House.

Disturbing DNC email seems to call hispanic outreach 'taco bowl engagement'