
WikiLeaks releases stolen Democratic voicemails

WikiLeaks released the voicemail messages Wednesday night, as the Democratic National Convention was nominating Hillary Clinton as the party’s standard-bearer and vice presidential nominee Sen.


Voicemails from the Democratic National Committee emails leaked last week were re-released by WikiLeaks Wednesday in a further embarrassment to the DNC, Politico reports.

They came after the anti-secrecy website on Friday leaked 19,000 emails from the accounts of several top Democratic party leaders. Bernie Sanders – which left scores of Sanders supporters feeling betrayed by the party. That revelation led to the resignation of the Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The caller – speaking about Sanders – says “he’s not a Democrat”.

“Quit acquiescing to this person who likes to play the victim card and who also has been attacking Hillary, which gives Trump all his talking points”.

“I’m furious about what you’re doing for Bernie Sanders”, the message began.

It was not known which party official the woman was trying to reach. Two are calls from offices of ambassadors asking about a St. Patrick’s Day event at the White House, while another ambassador asked about a scheduled dinner with Obama.


Last week, WikiLeaks released almost 20,000 DNC emails that suggested that the DNC was favoring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Sanders during the primary season.

Julian Assange Wikimedia