
WildStar Goes Free, Gets Biggest-Ever Update Today

Even games that launch with a traditional subscription service tend to shift into a free-to-play model after the first year or two, and thats exactly whats now happening with WildStar.


“The multiplayer online game is now free to play, allowing new and returning players to experience all of the game’s content that has been released over the past year”.

Alongside the transition comes the WildStar: Reloaded update, which contains all of the new gameplay changes while also adding in new content and in-game events. The hope is that everything in the free-to-play update will convince newcomers to stick around after sampling what the game has to offer while keeping veterans around who have been playing since the game launched last June. Now you can see why many love the game, all without spending a cent! I’ll refer you again to this Reddit thread from December (six months after launch), where user fooey pointed out that only 1.3 percent of WildStar players ever killed a raid boss. But I can say, I think, with pretty complete confidence, that we have done everything that we can as a studio to prepare for this moment.


There was once a stigma attached to any big budget MMO that went free-to-play after initially charging people a subscription fee. Interested players can check out the entire list of limitations and unlocks of being a free member versus being a Signature member on the official matrix. It’s going to be potentially millions of new players that are going to come in. Everything since that time has been about communicating to our existing players and our new players what is WildStar as far as a free-to-play game. In addition to this, a lot of changes have been made to the mechanics and systems in WildStar. Players can pick up boosts, pets, mounts, and other helpful items from the store. This is just a currency that drops as you’re playing through the game. There are tons of them and players just might find a few awesome rewards for digging around.
