
Will bring jobs back to US

“But if they want to sell their air conditioners here, they’re going to pay a 35 percent tax to bring them in”. The voter ID situation has turned out to be a very unfair development. A Philly elections inspector pushed back hard against that criticism this week on Twitter, though, insisting that there’s no evidence of voter fraud. He “joked” about taking away the New York Times’ credentials at a rally in Connecticut Saturday.


She said Trump “has not perfected the art of political speech and figuring out how to parse your words together in a way where they actually mean nothing”. And your mother is voting for Trump!

Donald Trump may be a lot of things-a lot of bad things, really-but one thing he is not is stupid. For many Trump supporters at two of his recent rallies in the swing-state of North Carolina, even the US -the country considered by many to be the gold standard for democratic elections-isn’t immune to tampering.

“I really like him. I’ve spent a lot of time, and put in a lot of money”. “What we’re advocating are open, fair and honest elections”. It’s a popular conspiracy theory often found on far right blogs and has been suggested in the past by other, typically unsuccessful, Republican candidates. And Trump’s occasional adviser Roger Stone raised eyebrows by telling Breitbart News that Trump should prepare for a “violent post-election contest”.

This election in particular, though, has seen the claim take hold among Republican voters.

In truth, it shouldn’t matter if they were paid by the Clintons to say what they said, because they paid the ultimate price to say it. It’s one of the reasons the Republican Party has such a bee in its bonnet about voter IDs.

“The law required in-person voters to show certain photo IDs, beginning in 2016, which African Americans disproportionately lacked, and eliminated or reduced registration and voting access tools that African Americans disproportionately used”, the decision that recently overturned North Carolina’s strict voter ID law explained.

“He does need to communicate – and I think he can – more effectively”. “I was disappointed when the law was stricken down”.

Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Brandon Dillon said Democrats’ bid to take control of the GOP-led state House this fall could be helped by Trump’s “continuing display of reckless behavior”. Voters are being told that they ought to vote so as to minimize harm, which sounds like a moral commandment. “They’ll vote many times”.

“How would that happen?”

Faced with an election night disaster of his own making, he also wants to undermine the very faith in our electoral process – not to mention the legitimacy of our next president. He said corporations would conspire against Trump because Clinton was in their back pocket.

“Absolutely it will pass through my mind on election day”. Stone’s ominously colorful language reminds me of Trump’s Twitter freakout in 2012 after he learned of President Barack Obama’s re-election victory.


The state’s election code states that a voter “shall have the right to cast his or her vote: without the use or threat of force, violence or restraint; without the infliction or threat of infliction of injury; without any intimidation or coercion upon or against his or her person; or without any other action meant to deny any individual’s right to vote”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Abraham Lincoln High School in Des Moines Iowa on Wednesday