
Will Donald Trump win the United States presidential election?

Democrats familiar with the search tell AP that Virginia Sen. “It’s the best thing he’s got going, and his kids, if you want to know the truth”, Trump said.


Trump, in classic style, essentially said he couldn’t care less that Cruz declined to endorse him in a dramatic snub at the convention.

Donald Trump got through his acceptance speech without riffing on Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement but you had to know it was coming.

“Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties; they should be the norm”, she said.

“Maybe I will set up a super PAC if he decides to run”, Trump said.

“I don’t want his endorsement”, he added. What difference does it make? I have such great – I don’t want his endorsement. just – Ted, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself. just a couple of things.

“The day that became abrogated was the day that became personal”, Cruz said.

So, as controversy continues to surround Trump’s candidacy and the Republican Party, can the businessman and reality star win the United States presidency?

Thursday night, it turns out, would not be the night Donald Trump made his “pivot”, or toned down his rhetoric to appeal to a broad spectrum of Americans. “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”. He pledged as president to restore a sense of public safety, strictly curb immigration and save the nation from what he described as Hillary Clinton’s record of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”. At least one Trump supporter shouted “Goldman Sachs” at her, the network said, a reference to her role as a managing director at the investment bank, from which she took a leave of absence during her husband’s campaign. Democrats close to the Clinton campaign have indicated that the favorite for her choice appears to be Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, who has appeared with her on the campaign trail and has received support from the White House and former President Bill Clinton.

Trump and his vice-presidential pick, IN governor Mike Pence, are now squarely focused on their general election campaign against Clinton.

CLEVELAND-Donald John Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday night (Friday in Manila) with an unusually vehement appeal to Americans who feel their country spiraling out of control, and yearn for a leader they feel will take aggressive, even extreme, actions to protect them. During their convention, Republicans were relentless and often raw in demonizing Clinton. “But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy”.

The Democratic convention in Philadelphia, which starts Monday, is expected to be a more disciplined affair. Clinton is, if anything, disciplined.


That’s according to a person familiar with the process who spoke on condition of anonymity, because they were not authorized to discuss publicly the campaign’s internal plans. Kaine has been active in the Senate on foreign relations and military affairs and built a reputation for working with both parties as Virginia’s governor and mayor of Richmond. “But that’s not where you want to necessarily send a risqué picture”, he said.

Donald Trump with daughter Ivanka Trump