
Will Poulter & Domnhall Gleeson on The Revenant and Leonardo DiCaprio

Fresh from his Golden Globe win on Sunday, Leonardo DiCaprio will walk the red carpet in London for the premiere of The Revenant tonight.


Leonardo DiCaprio sent girls swooning in “Titanic”, swaggered as “The Wolf of Wall Street”, and creeped audiences out as reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes.

The best actress field also includes rising star Brie Larson for “Room”; veteran Charlotte Rampling, who is hoping British drama “45 Years” will bring her first Oscar; and Saoirse Ronan for Irish immigrant tale “Brooklyn”.

Both actors have been nominated for the upcoming Oscars; Leo has been given the nod for Best Actor, while Brit Tom is up for Best Supporting, while the movie leads the nominations with a whopping 12. On the way Hugh was mauled by a bear and eventually left for dead by the rest of his crew – however he crawled and stumbled 200 miles back to the neaest Fort. “I think his performance has to be seen by hopefully millions of people, (and) I’m sure they will be emotionally involved and happy about seeing Leo in this caliber”, Alejandro G Inarritu, director of “The Revenant”, told Reuters.

Notoriously private actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio has finally opened up about becoming a father one day.

The Oscars, chosen by the 6,000 members of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, can have up to 10 best picture nominees, but voters selected just eight.

As if Leo DiCaprio in a tuxedo wasn’t enough of a great TGIF picture, he was also photographed next to another man in our mental “hottest men alive lists” Tom Hardy.

Speaking to This Morning on Thursday, he said: “The thing I know about that is it is completely out of my control at this point”.


“The Revenant” will compete with gritty action adventure “Mad Max: Fury Road” and space film “The Martian”. The Academy Awards-the pinnacle of Hollywood’s awards season-will be handed out on February 28.

Tom Hardy thanks Leonardo Di Caprio for Revenant role