
Will Smith: onscreen Barack Obama?

They also questioned whether “we’re all just inside some dog’s dream”, what they might want on their gravestones, and their belief in free will (Smith: “Nah, man, I’m really expensive”). We are talking about race in this country more clearly and openly than we have nearly ever in the history of this country.


“I think, ‘Well, I thought it was amusing, ‘” Colbert joked.

“The revolution is not being televised, but it’s being tweeted”, added Colbert. I’ve done my 10,000 hours of marriage counseling.

Smith admitted entering the political arena in real life has crossed his mind before, but says he doesn’t think politics is “where my greatest gifts are”. “I do view it as a hard time, but I think the problem is on the table and I think there’s an opportunity – more than ever – for a level of understanding that we’ve never had before”. Colbert suggests that the actor take on the role of Barack Obama for film, while Smith reveals he’s still perfecting his Obama impression.

He said: “We’ve talked about it a couple of times, and he said the one thing that’s for sure is I have the ears to play him“.


As Will Smith tries and fails to contain his hatred for his new movie Suicide Squad, he’s found a coping mechanism for the contractually obligated press tour: He’s pretending it’s not a tour for Suicide Squad. Smith said he and the president have spoken about the prospect of it a few times.

Meet Suicide Squad's biggest star Harley Quinn