
Will stop H-1B visas for Indian IT workers

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for major reforms to the United States’ skilled labour and set himself up in opposition to Mark Zuckerberg. Trump also prefers that tech companies hire Americans first. Don’t we want senators to be responsive to the needs of fast-growing American technology companies that are creating great wealth for their shareholders? H1-B visas also makes it possible to apply for permanent residency, or a “green card”.


At present, the H-1B visa cap is mandated at 65,000 per annum. Coulter tweeted that her support for Trump’s immigration policy is so strong that she wouldn’t mind if he “performed abortions in the White House”, and insinuated that ending immigration is the only way to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that most ensures abortion rights.

Trump says that there are plenty of graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, known as STEM. That means that employers don’t need H-1B visas to fill jobs, and are using them instead to keep wages low.

Mr Trump argued that raising the minimum wage would force companies to give IT jobs to unemployed Americans, not to cheaper workers from overseas.


In its second sentence, Trump’s plan derides “the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill” – the bipartisan Senate legislation that Rubio wrote in 2013 along with seven other senators – as “nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties”. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. The group’s stated position is that “America’s broken system prevents far too many talented immigrants from fully contributing to our communities and our economy”. The end result will be that more American workers will get jobs, but they will be Caucasian or Asian. Neither Facebook (FB, Tech30) nor had an immediate comment on Trump’s criticism of Zuckerberg.

Donald Trump releases immigration plan and takes a shot at Marco Rubio