
Windows 10 Auto-Upgrade Should Be Halted

Samsung has promised to update its drivers to support Windows 10, but the firm hasn’t provided any indication of when that might happen.


Samsung is warning users against updating their PCs to Windows 10, as the company’s drivers aren’t up to the task.

What do you do when you can’t get people to try your product? If you want Windows 10 Pro, you’ll have to pay $200.

It is also not as if they don’t know that inaction is hacking off its customers.

It’s no surprise that since rumors suggesting that you will be able to unlock your Mac with your iPhone Touch ID with the introduction of OS X 10.12, Microsoft have said that a similar feature will be used with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Microsoft said in an emailed statement it was helping customers schedule the software update, previously labelled “optional” and now “recommended”, and users had the option to cancel or reschedule. Within 30 seconds I realized that what he was experiencing was exactly what the article I read on vacation had covered.

After July 29th 2016, Microsoft will charge you $119 – or £99 – for a full version of Windows 10 Home. In the morning, I awoke to a new screen welcoming me to Windows 10.

Microsoft’s Windows and Devices Group’s executive vice president, Terry Myerson consoled its employees by stating that the firm hasn’t done yet with exiting mobile-phone business.

The Windows 10 version is rolling out to an increasing number of users over the next couple of weeks so it’s possible you won’t see the updated app yet even if you are reading this blog. If you add the 32-bit Windows 7 users from may (6.77%), that’s still 39.02% people using some form of Windows 7, less than Windows 10. It’s the Google ads that are disguised all over my pages that are annoying. I love Outlook and gmail, but it has not been easy for the casual user. After 31 days, well, you’re stuck unless you can find a copy of your preferred OS and overwrite it.

Microsoft, on several occasions, has reassured its fans witha commitment of changes in Windows phones, but the company didn’t disclose the launch of new devices which is wearing its logo and planned to continuously support partners in building new models based on running Windows 10.


We were perfectly happy using Win 8.1.
