
Windows 10 gets first major update ‘KB3081424’ with feature and functionality

According to the Cisco blog, these emails may appear legit at first glance, originating from a email address with the blue-and-white colour scheme of Windows 10’s branding. It stinks of anti-competitive practices, but that’s not what it is, assures Microsoft.


Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 10, released on July 29 has already reached 14 million downloads in the first 24 hours.

If, as Microsoft has stated, those who upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 receive Windows DVD Player for free, only those who perform a clean install or buy a new Windows 10 computer need to purchase it if they want. It’s clear that Microsoft doesn’t want users to do this, because it’s not as easy to disable as the other privacy features. Many new laptops don’t come with DVD drives these days, but if you have one, you might be disappointed with Windows 10. It is quite sizeable at 325MB and its cumulative nature means it will be replaced when the next Windows 10 update is released.

Microsoft lists the update as KB 3081424 and it’s a big one. In fact, the number of downloads will increase greatly as the PC owners discover that the upgrade does not price-tag, but comes totally free. Next, you will choose between upgrading your PC or downloading Windows 10 OS (which needs to be burned on a disk or saved on a bootable USB drive). Learning about a few key features and upgrades that are included in the update may sway your decision. Among the data the OS steals from you is your location history, messenger messages, calendar notes, personal contacts and many more.

Cortana is implemented in the new system, as well as XBOX apps and streaming.


Some manufacturers, such as HP, are offering its business partners machines with Windows 7 or 8 automatically pre-installed and Windows 10 as the primary operating system. It doesn’t help that you’ve got a lot of the standard issues with any new system, like privacy settings on a browser, or that Windows updates are not optional anymore.

Windows		These are the smartphones where Windows 10 will appear first	
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