
Windows 10 update stops webcams working

Thankfully, Microsoft has acknowledged the bug, but if you were hoping for a Windows 10 Anniversary Update webcam fix very soon, then you might have to wait a few weeks, as a patch for this is not expected until September – well hopefully.


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If that’s the case, this is the only working fix we’re aware of the moment.

The problem appears to affect both USB webcams and network-connected IP devices. The problems even extended to Skype and Lync, which are companies owned by Microsoft. Some companies said customers who used webcams for internet banking had complained because they could no longer verify transactions.

The issue is apparently down to the way the latest version of Windows 10 handles encoding and decoding, with the Anniversary Update adding the ability for multiple applications to use video as it’s being shot.

A Microsoft engineer who took to the official support forums says that a fix for the problem is on the way.

“We dropped the ball on that front, so I’d like to offer my apologies to you all”, he said. However, remember you only have 10 days to revert your system after you upgrade-another change bundled with the Anniversary Update.


Temporary fix – If you are not afraid of editing the registry, then there is a workaround for now that could get your video-cam up and running once again.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update is crashing webcams