
Wisconsin Republicans support anti-Clinton message

“Let’s face the facts: Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she cared about protecting America’s secrets”, he said.


“When you take classified information on a server that deals with where our State Department, Special Forces, CIA, whatever in other countries, that’s a death sentence for those people if that information gets in the hands of other countries or the terrorists”, he said. With each charge against Clinton, the delegates screamed in hatred, breaking into chants of “Guilty!” and “Lock her up!”. Trump calls her “Crooked Hillary”.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said he thought the convention had been well orchestrated so far and that “taking the first two days to remind Americans about the total abject failure of Hillary Clinton and her failures is probably a good thing to unify the party”.

“They don’t understand why justice wasn’t done”, he said.

“This really is uncalled for, and it just tends to exacerbate the polarization that already exists in this country”, Kinch said. “The only choice is a Trump-Pence Republican ticket”. Trump narrowed his deficit against her to seven percentage points from 15 points late last week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday. Ted Cruz of Texas with 475 delegates, Ohio Gov. John Kasich with 120 and Sen.

Baldasaro spoke during a news conference earlier this year after Trump invited him to the podium while fending off criticism about his lack of transparency in doling out funds raised for veterans charities. Arnold said all Republicans should emulate Kansas political icon Bob Dole, the party’s 1996 presidential nominee, in backing Trump.

Gear bearing Trump rival Hillary Clinton’s name is up for sale too; the running theme appears to be “Hillary for Prison 2016”.

The Clinton campaign has repeatedly denied accusations that her email server was hacked; in his testimony to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, FBI director James Comey bolstered Clinton’s assurances, noting the FBI “did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal email domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked”.

Trump’s campaign has worked to sow distrust by using vague insinuations against Clinton that are hard to prove or disprove.

The New Jersey governor then launched into the delivery of a list of alleged indictments against Clinton for her role in Libya, terrorism, trade, Syria, Iran, Russia, Cuba and her email scandal.

“What our president says matters”, she tweeted.

“There’s so many anti-Hillary women that I’m in contact with that I don’t worry about that”.


The Daily Beast went on to contact Baldasaro, where he doubled down and said, “I believe Hillary Clinton committed treason”.

Donald Trump