
Wish Comes True for 8-Year-Old Battling Cancer

The conversation between the boy and his father was posted on Facebook, where it was shared and commented upon by thousands of Internet users, including many from China. His dream of reaching fame is gaining momentum on social media with the use of the hashtag #DStrong.


American Dorian Murray expressed his interest in China and about, being famous in China and seeing the Great Wall, which he called “the bridge in China” that people walk on. It is a rare pediatric cancer which is a malignant tumor involving striated muscle tissue. His parents made the decision to stop treatment at the start of the new year. His hashtag D-Strong was used around the world by people sending love and support to the courageous little boy.

Besides Gronkowski, Dorian has received signs of support from many countries, including Spain, France, Australia, Japan, Italy, Switzerland and even some from the Great Wall of China, which was his original goal. On Facebook and Twitter, the message is “we’re behind you, kid”. “They’re just saying to keep fighting”, he tells WPRI. “They believe in me”.

He seemed older than 8 years old to us, with a sense of humor to match, despite what he’s faced, and still faces. The cancer is no longer treatable.

“I’m 8”, he insisted.

They’re also trying to make his last few weeks on happy ones.

His mom and dad want to raise awareness of pediatric cancer, especially the fact that it has only about a 20% survival rate.

People from all over the world are posting photos of themselves holding a sign reading #DStrong to show Dorian they are behind him and that they want to help make his wish come true.


Dorian’s cancer returned at 7 following initial treatments at diagnosis, according to the family’s Facebook page.

Dorian Murray         
                                     GoFundMe page