
Wishing you a Merry Christmas

Decorations have filled the homes and streets in preparation for Christmas. For others the excitement is wherever their grandchildren are.


Jesus descends from a long line of people, but he also comes down from heaven as the Son of God. Somewhere along this line we have to fall into one of these Christmas categories. Jesus asked his disciples, and he puts the question before us as well, “Who do you say that I am?” Only when every individual experiences this salvation, Christmas becomes a meaningful celebration. Where did the receiving of Christmas gifts originate?

If you will just take the time to step out of the whirlwind and look at the gift God is giving you, then you can sing “How Great our Joy” with gusto declaring, “There shall the Child lie in a stall/This Child who shall redeem us all/How great our joy!”

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. But if we love Christ, we also strive to remain near him, illuminated by him, in every part of our life. This planet’s landscapes and its seasons define us and give shape to our lives. In the birth of the infant Jesus, we see the most handsome workings of Providence for our salvation.

After announcing to Mary that “the Lord is with” her and she will be with child – a holy child, the Messiah – she is told “Fear not!” or “Don’t be afraid!” If you have received this gift of Jesus into your life, then treasure it, love it and do not neglect this wonderful gift.

Because the town was full of people who had come to Bethlehem to pay their taxes too, places to stay were scarce. They were seeking for the new world-changing leader who had been born. He was born in a manger, as his parents Mary and Joseph were poor.

What might be more surprising is that, in a country where most people now are not religious, the research shows that a massive 91% of us do celebrate Christmas in some form. They had traveled miles and miles to do it.

And the staff and directors at your local paper would like to wish all our readers a merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous new year. He is God’s gift to the whole world and that includes each one of us.


Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Christmas time! He knew Mary; he couldn’t imagine that Mary would have a child through adultery. Myrrh was an aromatic, highly valued substance from a tree that grew in the regions of Arabia.

Give Jesus, our Gift, the gift of you! Why not open your heart before Him today and invite the King of glory to come into your life? If the worker himself believes in Jesus Christ and is trusting in the reality of redemption, his words will be compelling to others.

Christmas is a time for cherishing those who bring so many blessings to our lives. It’s believed that he was both born and died on March 25, which just so happens to be nine months prior to December 25 – the general time frame of a healthy pregnancy. Perhaps it is your passion, skills or abilities.


May the season bring you the music of laughter, the warmth of friendship, and, always, love.

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