
With thick ribcage, Graham Can Survive Car crash

His head is very large and resembles a helmet that can absorb any shock, his face is flat and the bones are of face are covered with extra fat tissues so that there is no damage, there is no neck that reduces the chances of spine and back injuries and the ribs reach up his face to protect his head, packed tightly.


“Cars have evolved a lot faster than humans and Graham helps us understand why we need to improve every aspect of our road system to protect ourselves from our own mistakes”, Mr Joe Calafiore, chief executive of the Victorian Transport Accident Commission (TAC).

“Graham” is unlike anything seen before and now seen taking the internet by storm.

A human sculpture called Graham has been created by artist Patricia Piccinini to depict what a person would look like if his traits had evolved into making him survive lethal auto crashes. The artist collaborated with a trauma surgeon and road safety engineer to create a body that can withstand a high-speed crash. The cost was $200,000 Australian (about US $149,000). He has huge head, with no neck and air bags between his ribs. His knees bend in all directions. Here’s how they went about designing Graham, who is also a public art sculpture on display at the State Library in Victoria. “Our bodies are just not equipped to handle the forces in common crash scenarios”, David Logan, a team member on the project said. Then, in order to survive high-speed crashes, the human body should evolve.


Because the reality is humans are designed to cope with impacts at speeds we create (running, walking, jumping), and no more.

Meet Graham: The ideal body type to survive a car crash